import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import networkx as nx
import sklearn
import xgboost as xgb
# sklearn
from sklearn import model_selection # split함수이용
from sklearn import ensemble # RF,GBM
from sklearn import metrics
from sklearn.metrics import precision_score, recall_score, f1_score
from sklearn.svm import SVC
from sklearn.ensemble import RandomForestClassifier
from sklearn.naive_bayes import GaussianNB
# embedding
from node2vec import Node2Vec
from node2vec.edges import HadamardEmbedder, AverageEmbedder, WeightedL1Embedder, WeightedL2Embedder
# gnn
import torch
import torch_geometric
import torch.nn.functional as F
from torch_geometric.nn import GCNConv
def build_graph_bipartite(df_input, graph_type=nx.Graph()):
df={x:node_id for node_id, x in enumerate(set(df["cc_num"].values.tolist()+\
"from"]=df["cc_num"].apply(lambda x:mapping[x]) #엣지의 출발점
df["to"]=df["merchant"].apply(lambda x:mapping[x]) #엣지의 도착점
= df[['from', 'to', "amt", "is_fraud"]].groupby(['from','to']).agg({"is_fraud":"sum","amt":"sum"}).reset_index()
df "is_fraud"]=df["is_fraud"].apply(lambda x:1 if x>0 else 0)
=nx.from_edgelist(df[["from","to"]].values, create_using=graph_type)
int(x["from"]),int(x["to"])):x["is_fraud"] for idx, x in df[["from","to","is_fraud"]].iterrows()}, "label") #엣지 속성 설정,각 속성의 사기 여부부
nx.set_edge_attributes(G,{(int(x["from"]),int(x["to"])):x["amt"] for idx,x in df[["from","to","amt"]].iterrows()}, "weight") # 엣지 속성 설정, 각 엣지의 거래 금액
return G
def build_graph_tripartite(df_input, graph_type=nx.Graph()):
df={x:node_id for node_id, x in enumerate(set(df.index.values.tolist() +
mapping"cc_num"].values.tolist() +
df["in_node"]= df["cc_num"].apply(lambda x: mapping[x])
df["out_node"]=df["merchant"].apply(lambda x:mapping[x])
=nx.from_edgelist([(x["in_node"], mapping[idx]) for idx, x in df.iterrows()] +\
G"out_node"], mapping[idx]) for idx, x in df.iterrows()], create_using=graph_type)
"in_node"], mapping[idx]):x["is_fraud"] for idx, x in df.iterrows()}, "label")
nx.set_edge_attributes(G,{(x["out_node"], mapping[idx]):x["is_fraud"] for idx, x in df.iterrows()}, "label")
nx.set_edge_attributes(G,{(x["in_node"], mapping[idx]):x["amt"] for idx, x in df.iterrows()}, "weight")
nx.set_edge_attributes(G,{(x["out_node"], mapping[idx]):x["amt"] for idx, x in df.iterrows()}, "weight")
return G
def down_sample_textbook(df):
= df[df.is_fraud==0].copy()
df_majority = df[df.is_fraud==1].copy()
df_minority = sklearn.utils.resample(df_majority, n_samples=len(df_minority), replace=False, random_state=42)
df_maj_dowsampled = pd.concat([df_minority, df_maj_dowsampled])
df_downsampled return df_downsampled
def embedding(Graph):
# Graph -> X (feature)
= list(Graph.edges)
_edgs = Graph.edge_subgraph([_edgs[x] for x in range(len(Graph.edges))]).copy()
subGraph list(set(Graph.nodes) - set(subGraph.nodes)))
subGraph.add_nodes_from(= AverageEmbedder(Node2Vec(subGraph, weight_key='weight').fit(window=10).wv)
embedded = [embedded[str(_edgs[x][0]), str(_edgs[x][1])] for x in range(len(Graph.edges))]
X # Graph -> y (label)
= np.array(list(nx.get_edge_attributes(Graph, "label").values()))
y return X,y
def anal(df):
= build_graph_bipartite(df)
Graph = embedding(Graph)
X,XX,y,yy = RandomForestClassifier(n_estimators=100, random_state=42)
lrnr,y)= lrnr.predict(XX)
yyhat = pd.DataFrame({
df 'acc':[sklearn.metrics.accuracy_score(yy,yyhat)],
) return df
def our_sampling1(df):
= set(df.query('is_fraud==1').cc_num.tolist())
cus_list return df.query("cc_num in @ cus_list")
= pd.read_csv("~/Desktop/fraudTrain.csv").iloc[:,1:] fraudTrain
= fraudTrain.assign(trans_date_trans_time= list(map(lambda x: pd.to_datetime(x), fraudTrain.trans_date_trans_time)))
fraudTrain fraudTrain
trans_date_trans_time | cc_num | merchant | category | amt | first | last | gender | street | city | ... | lat | long | city_pop | job | dob | trans_num | unix_time | merch_lat | merch_long | is_fraud | |
0 | 2019-01-01 00:00:00 | 2.703190e+15 | fraud_Rippin, Kub and Mann | misc_net | 4.97 | Jennifer | Banks | F | 561 Perry Cove | Moravian Falls | ... | 36.0788 | -81.1781 | 3495 | Psychologist, counselling | 1988-03-09 | 0b242abb623afc578575680df30655b9 | 1325376018 | 36.011293 | -82.048315 | 0 |
1 | 2019-01-01 00:00:00 | 6.304230e+11 | fraud_Heller, Gutmann and Zieme | grocery_pos | 107.23 | Stephanie | Gill | F | 43039 Riley Greens Suite 393 | Orient | ... | 48.8878 | -118.2105 | 149 | Special educational needs teacher | 1978-06-21 | 1f76529f8574734946361c461b024d99 | 1325376044 | 49.159047 | -118.186462 | 0 |
2 | 2019-01-01 00:00:00 | 3.885950e+13 | fraud_Lind-Buckridge | entertainment | 220.11 | Edward | Sanchez | M | 594 White Dale Suite 530 | Malad City | ... | 42.1808 | -112.2620 | 4154 | Nature conservation officer | 1962-01-19 | a1a22d70485983eac12b5b88dad1cf95 | 1325376051 | 43.150704 | -112.154481 | 0 |
3 | 2019-01-01 00:01:00 | 3.534090e+15 | fraud_Kutch, Hermiston and Farrell | gas_transport | 45.00 | Jeremy | White | M | 9443 Cynthia Court Apt. 038 | Boulder | ... | 46.2306 | -112.1138 | 1939 | Patent attorney | 1967-01-12 | 6b849c168bdad6f867558c3793159a81 | 1325376076 | 47.034331 | -112.561071 | 0 |
4 | 2019-01-01 00:03:00 | 3.755340e+14 | fraud_Keeling-Crist | misc_pos | 41.96 | Tyler | Garcia | M | 408 Bradley Rest | Doe Hill | ... | 38.4207 | -79.4629 | 99 | Dance movement psychotherapist | 1986-03-28 | a41d7549acf90789359a9aa5346dcb46 | 1325376186 | 38.674999 | -78.632459 | 0 |
... | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... |
1048570 | 2020-03-10 16:07:00 | 6.011980e+15 | fraud_Fadel Inc | health_fitness | 77.00 | Haley | Wagner | F | 05561 Farrell Crescent | Annapolis | ... | 39.0305 | -76.5515 | 92106 | Accountant, chartered certified | 1943-05-28 | 45ecd198c65e81e597db22e8d2ef7361 | 1362931649 | 38.779464 | -76.317042 | 0 |
1048571 | 2020-03-10 16:07:00 | 4.839040e+15 | fraud_Cremin, Hamill and Reichel | misc_pos | 116.94 | Meredith | Campbell | F | 043 Hanson Turnpike | Hedrick | ... | 41.1826 | -92.3097 | 1583 | Geochemist | 1999-06-28 | c00ce51c6ebb7657474a77b9e0b51f34 | 1362931670 | 41.400318 | -92.726724 | 0 |
1048572 | 2020-03-10 16:08:00 | 5.718440e+11 | fraud_O'Connell, Botsford and Hand | home | 21.27 | Susan | Mills | F | 005 Cody Estates | Louisville | ... | 38.2507 | -85.7476 | 736284 | Engineering geologist | 1952-04-02 | 17c9dc8b2a6449ca2473726346e58e6c | 1362931711 | 37.293339 | -84.798122 | 0 |
1048573 | 2020-03-10 16:08:00 | 4.646850e+18 | fraud_Thompson-Gleason | health_fitness | 9.52 | Julia | Bell | F | 576 House Crossroad | West Sayville | ... | 40.7320 | -73.1000 | 4056 | Film/video editor | 1990-06-25 | 5ca650881b48a6a38754f841c23b77ab | 1362931718 | 39.773077 | -72.213209 | 0 |
1048574 | 2020-03-10 16:08:00 | 2.283740e+15 | fraud_Buckridge PLC | misc_pos | 6.81 | Shannon | Williams | F | 9345 Spencer Junctions Suite 183 | Alpharetta | ... | 34.0770 | -84.3033 | 165556 | Prison officer | 1997-12-27 | 8d0a575fe635bbde12f1a2bffc126731 | 1362931730 | 33.601468 | -83.891921 | 0 |
1048575 rows × 22 columns
= fraudTrain[fraudTrain["is_fraud"] == 0].sample(frac=0.20, random_state=42)
_df1 = fraudTrain[fraudTrain["is_fraud"] == 1]
_df2 = pd.concat([_df1,_df2])
df02 df02.shape
(214520, 22)
= down_sample_textbook(df02)
df50 df50.shape
(12012, 22)
= df50.reset_index() df50
= len(df50) N
= sklearn.model_selection.train_test_split(df50, random_state=42) df50_tr,df50_test
df50_tr.shape, df50_test.shape
((9009, 23), (3003, 23))
= [i in df50_tr.index for i in range(N)]
train_mask = [i in df50_test.index for i in range(N)] test_mask
= np.array(train_mask)
train_mask = np.array(test_mask) test_mask
sum(), test_mask.sum() train_mask.
(9009, 3003)
train_mask.shape, test_mask.shape
((12012,), (12012,))
edge_index 설정
def compute_time_difference(group):
= len(group)
n = []
result for i in range(n):
for j in range(n):
= abs(group.iloc[i].trans_date_trans_time.value - group.iloc[j].trans_date_trans_time.value)
result.append([group.iloc[i].name, group.iloc[j].name, time_difference])return result
= df50.groupby('cc_num')
groups = [compute_time_difference(group) for _, group in groups]
edge_index_list_plus = [item for sublist in edge_index_list_plus for item in sublist]
edge_index_list_plus_flat = np.array(edge_index_list_plus_flat)
edge_index_list_plus_nparr 'edge_index_list_plus50.npy', edge_index_list_plus_nparr)
# edge_index_list_plus = []
# for i in range(N):
# for j in range(N):
# if df50['cc_num'][i] != df50['cc_num'][j]: # cc_num 값이 다르다면
# time_difference = 0
# else:
# time_difference = (df50['trans_date_trans_time'][i] - df50['trans_date_trans_time'][j]).total_seconds()
# edge_index_list_plus.append([i, j, time_difference])
#'edge_index_list_plus50.npy', edge_index_list_plus)
# # edge_index_list_plus = np.load('edge_index_list_plus.npy')
= np.array(edge_index_list_plus_nparr) edge_index
(200706, 3)
= (np.exp(-edge_index[:,2]/theta) != 1)*(np.exp(-edge_index[:,2]/theta))
weight weight
array([0. , 0.99946775, 0.99020659, ..., 0.98799491, 0.02078565,
0. ])
= np.column_stack((edge_index, weight))
edge_index = np.delete(edge_index, 2, axis=1) edge_index
array([[1.02300000e+03, 1.02300000e+03, 0.00000000e+00],
[1.02300000e+03, 1.02400000e+03, 9.99467748e-01],
[1.02300000e+03, 1.02800000e+03, 9.90206590e-01],
[1.19440000e+04, 9.78200000e+03, 9.87994908e-01],
[1.19440000e+04, 1.17670000e+04, 2.07856509e-02],
[1.19440000e+04, 1.19440000e+04, 0.00000000e+00]])
(200706, 3)
= edge_index.tolist() edge_index
= np.array(edge_index)[:,2].mean() mean_
= np.median(np.array(edge_index)[:,2]) medi_
= [(int(row[0]), int(row[1])) for row in edge_index if row[2] > medi_]
selected_edges = torch.tensor(selected_edges, dtype=torch.long).t()
edge_index_selected edge_index_selected.shape
torch.Size([2, 100350])
data설정(x, edge_index, y)
= torch.tensor(df50['amt'], dtype=torch.float).reshape(-1,1) x
= torch.tensor(df50['is_fraud'],dtype=torch.int64) y
=, edge_index = edge_index_selected, y=y, train_mask = train_mask, test_mask = test_mask) data
Data(x=[12012, 1], edge_index=[2, 100350], y=[12012], train_mask=[12012], test_mask=[12012])
class GCN(torch.nn.Module):
def __init__(self):
self.conv1 = GCNConv(1, 16)
self.conv2 = GCNConv(16,2)
def forward(self, data):
= data.x, data.edge_index
x, edge_index
= self.conv1(x, edge_index)
x = F.relu(x)
x = F.dropout(x,
x = self.conv2(x, edge_index)
return F.log_softmax(x, dim=1)
= GCN()
model = torch.optim.Adam(model.parameters(), lr=0.01, weight_decay=5e-4)
model.train()for epoch in range(400):
optimizer.zero_grad()= model(data)
out = F.nll_loss(out[data.train_mask], data.y[data.train_mask])
loss.backward() optimizer.step()
model.= model(data).argmax(dim=1)
pred = (pred[data.test_mask] == data.y[data.test_mask]).sum()
correct = int(correct) / int(np.array(data.test_mask).sum())
acc print(f'Accuracy: {acc:.4f}')
Accuracy: 0.8768
= pred[data.test_mask]
predicted_labels = data.y[data.test_mask] true_labels
= precision_score(true_labels, predicted_labels, average='macro')
precision = recall_score(true_labels, predicted_labels, average='macro')
recall = f1_score(true_labels, predicted_labels, average='macro')
f1 print(f'Precision: {precision:.4f}')
print(f'Recall: {recall:.4f}')
print(f'F1 Score: {f1:.4f}')
Precision: 0.8799
Recall: 0.8763
F1 Score: 0.8764
구분 | Train | Test | 모형 | 설명변수 | 비고 |
분석1 | df50_tr | df50_test | GNN | amt | |
분석2 | df50_tr | df50_test | 로지스틱 회귀 | amt | |
분석3 | df50_tr | df50_test | SVM | amt | |
분석4 | df50_tr | df50_test | 랜덤포레스트 | amt |
분석2(로지스틱 회귀)
= np.array(df50_tr.loc[:,['amt']])
X = np.array(df50_test.loc[:,['amt']])
XX = np.array(df50_tr.is_fraud)
y = np.array(df50_test.is_fraud) yy
= sklearn.linear_model.LogisticRegression() lrnr,y)
#thresh = y.mean()
#yyhat = (lrnr.predict_proba(XX)> thresh)[:,-1]
= lrnr.predict(XX) yyhat
= [sklearn.metrics.accuracy_score,
sklearn.metrics.recall_score, sklearn.metrics.f1_score]
= pd.DataFrame({m.__name__:[m(yy,yyhat).round(6)] for m in metrics},index=['분석2'])
_results2 _results2
분석3(서포트 벡터 머신)
= np.array(df50_tr.loc[:, ['amt']])
X = np.array(df50_test.loc[:, ['amt']])
XX = np.array(df50_tr.is_fraud)
y = np.array(df50_test.is_fraud) yy
= SVC(kernel='linear')
lrnr,y)= lrnr.predict(XX) yyhat
= [sklearn.metrics.accuracy_score,
sklearn.metrics.recall_score, sklearn.metrics.f1_score]
= pd.DataFrame({m.__name__:[m(yy,yyhat).round(6)] for m in metrics},index=['분석3'])
_results3 _results3
분석4(랜덤 포레스트)
= np.array(df50_tr.loc[:, ['amt']])
X = np.array(df50_test.loc[:, ['amt']])
XX = np.array(df50_tr.is_fraud)
y = np.array(df50_test.is_fraud) yy
= RandomForestClassifier()
lrnr, y)= lrnr.predict(XX) yyhat
= [sklearn.metrics.accuracy_score,
sklearn.metrics.recall_score, sklearn.metrics.f1_score]
= pd.DataFrame({m.__name__:[m(yy,yyhat).round(6)] for m in metrics},index=['분석4'])
_results4 _results4
= np.array(df50_tr.loc[:, ['amt']])
X = np.array(df50_test.loc[:, ['amt']])
XX = np.array(df50_tr.is_fraud)
y = np.array(df50_test.is_fraud) yy
= xgb.XGBClassifier()
lrnr, y)= lrnr.predict(XX) yyhat
= [sklearn.metrics.accuracy_score,
sklearn.metrics.recall_score, sklearn.metrics.f1_score]
= pd.DataFrame({m.__name__:[m(yy,yyhat).round(6)] for m in metrics},index=['분석5'])
_results5 _results5
분석6(Naive Bayes)
= np.array(df50_tr.loc[:, ['amt']])
X = np.array(df50_test.loc[:, ['amt']])
XX = np.array(df50_tr.is_fraud)
y = np.array(df50_test.is_fraud) yy
= GaussianNB()
lrnr, y)= lrnr.predict(XX) yyhat
= [sklearn.metrics.accuracy_score,
sklearn.metrics.recall_score, sklearn.metrics.f1_score]
= pd.DataFrame({m.__name__:[m(yy,yyhat).round(6)] for m in metrics},index=['분석6'])
_results6 _results6
!git add .
!git commit -m .
[main f9769619] .
8 files changed, 8800 insertions(+), 2514 deletions(-)
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create mode 100644 "posts/GNN/FRAUD/.ipynb_checkpoints/230822 \353\215\260\354\235\264\355\204\260(6, df02)-checkpoint.ipynb"
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create mode 100644 "posts/GNN/FRAUD/.ipynb_checkpoints/230827 \353\215\260\354\235\264\355\204\260(9, df50 mask\353\247\214\353\223\244\354\227\210\353\212\224\353\215\260 \352\262\260\352\263\274\352\260\222\354\235\264 \353\213\254\353\235\274).out-checkpoint.ipynb"
delete mode 100644 "posts/GNN/FRAUD/230823 \353\215\260\354\235\264\355\204\260(7, df50_com\354\234\274\353\241\234 93\355\215\274 accuracy)_guebin-Copy1.out.ipynb"
rewrite "posts/GNN/FRAUD/230825 \353\215\260\354\235\264\355\204\260(8, df02)\354\273\244\353\204\220\354\243\275\354\235\214.out.ipynb" (99%)
rewrite "posts/GNN/FRAUD/230827 \353\215\260\354\235\264\355\204\260(9, df50 mask\353\247\214\353\223\244\354\227\210\353\212\224\353\215\260 \352\262\260\352\263\274\352\260\222\354\235\264 \353\213\254\353\235\274).out.ipynb" (99%)
!git push
Enumerating objects: 14, done.
Counting objects: 100% (14/14), done.
Delta compression using up to 16 threads
Compressing objects: 100% (9/9), done.
Writing objects: 100% (9/9), 5.06 KiB | 5.06 MiB/s, done.
Total 9 (delta 7), reused 0 (delta 0), pack-reused 0
remote: Resolving deltas: 100% (7/7), completed with 5 local objects.
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!quarto publish gh-pages --no-prompt --no-browser
* branch gh-pages -> FETCH_HEAD
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[ 4/182] posts/Python/4. Class/python 10_0509.ipynb
[ 5/182] posts/Python/4. Class/python 12_0523.ipynb
[ 6/182] posts/Python/4. Class/python 13_0525.ipynb
[ 7/182] posts/Python/4. Class/python 12_0518.ipynb
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[ 19/182] posts/Python/2. Numpy/python 5_0404.ipynb
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[ 21/182] posts/Python/2. Numpy/python 6_0411.ipynb
[ 22/182] posts/Python/Summer Program-Python Programming Day2 Quiz.ipynb
[ 23/182] posts/Special Topics in Big Data Analysis/2022-05-23-(12주차) 5월23일.ipynb
[ 24/182] posts/Special Topics in Big Data Analysis/2022_03_07_(1주차)_3월7일.ipynb
[ 25/182] posts/Special Topics in Big Data Analysis/2022_04_11_(6주차)_4월11일.ipynb
[ 26/182] posts/Special Topics in Big Data Analysis/2022_03_14_(2주차)_3월14일.ipynb
[ 27/182] posts/Special Topics in Big Data Analysis/2022_05_02_(9주차)_5월2일(2).ipynb
[ 28/182] posts/Special Topics in Big Data Analysis/2022_03_28_(4주차)_3월28일.ipynb
[ 29/182] posts/Special Topics in Big Data Analysis/2022_05_30_(13주차)_5월30일.ipynb
[ 30/182] posts/Special Topics in Big Data Analysis/2022_05_09_(10주차)_5월9일.ipynb
[ 31/182] posts/Special Topics in Big Data Analysis/2022_04_04_(5주차)_4월4일.ipynb
[ 32/182] posts/Special Topics in Big Data Analysis/2022_05_16_(11주차)_5월16일.ipynb
[ 33/182] posts/Special Topics in Big Data Analysis/2022_03_21_(3주차)_3월21일.ipynb
[ 34/182] posts/Special Topics in Big Data Analysis/2022-06-09-(14주차) 6월9일.ipynb
[ 35/182] posts/Special Topics in Big Data Analysis/2022_04_18_(7주차)_4월18일.ipynb
[ 36/182] posts/Applied statistics/AS3_3.ipynb
[ 37/182] posts/Applied statistics/AS4.ipynb
[ 38/182] posts/Applied statistics/AS1_3.ipynb
[ 39/182] posts/Applied statistics/AS4_5.ipynb
[ 40/182] posts/Applied statistics/02. CH0304.ipynb
[ 41/182] posts/Applied statistics/01. Simple Linear Regression.ipynb
[ 42/182] posts/Applied statistics/AS1.ipynb
[ 43/182] posts/Applied statistics/08. 다항회귀실습.ipynb
[ 44/182] posts/Applied statistics/10. GLS실습.ipynb
[ 45/182] posts/Applied statistics/alpha.ipynb
[ 46/182] posts/Applied statistics/06. 회귀진단 실습.ipynb
[ 47/182] posts/Applied statistics/11. 편의추정 실습.ipynb
[ 48/182] posts/Applied statistics/04. 선형회귀분석 CH0607.ipynb
[ 49/182] posts/Applied statistics/12. 로지스틱 회귀분석.ipynb
[ 50/182] posts/Applied statistics/03. CH0304_simulation.ipynb
[ 51/182] posts/Applied statistics/AS3.ipynb
[ 52/182] posts/Applied statistics/05. 가변수 실습.ipynb
[ 53/182] posts/Applied statistics/AS4_5-Copy1.ipynb
[ 54/182] posts/Applied statistics/09. 변수변환.ipynb
[ 55/182] posts/Applied statistics/07. 변수선택 실습.ipynb
[ 56/182] posts/Applied statistics/AS2.ipynb
[ 57/182] posts/Synthetic data/synthetic data.ipynb
[ 58/182] posts/Synthetic data/Practical Synthetic Data Generation.ipynb
[ 59/182] posts/Synthetic data/A Comparison of Synthetic Data Approaches Using Utility and Disclosure Risk Measures.ipynb
[ 60/182] posts/Synthetic data/2023-07-01-CTGAN.ipynb
[ 61/182] posts/Synthetic data/[R] synthpop.ipynb
[ 62/182] posts/Synthetic data/Modeling Tabular Data using Conditional GAN.ipynb
[ 63/182] posts/Synthetic data/Advaced Deep Learning with TensorFlow 2 and Keras.ipynb
[ 64/182] posts/Synthetic data/2023-07-02-CTGAN-TOY.ipynb
[ 65/182] posts/ref/Ref.ipynb
[ 66/182] posts/study/주성분 분석.ipynb
[ 67/182] posts/study/콰트로 블로그 만드는 법.ipynb
[ 68/182] posts/study/Python Data Analysis/경사하강법.ipynb
[ 69/182] posts/study/Python Data Analysis/딥러닝 회귀분석.ipynb
[ 70/182] posts/study/Python Data Analysis/다층 퍼셉트론과 딥러닝.ipynb
[ 71/182] posts/study/Python Data Analysis/인공신경망과 퍼셉트론.ipynb
[ 72/182] posts/study/KSS-DataFrame.ipynb
[ 73/182] posts/study/선형대수와 통계학으로 배우는 머신러닝 with 파이썬/ml with python 7.ipynb
[ 74/182] posts/study/선형대수와 통계학으로 배우는 머신러닝 with 파이썬/ml with python 9.ipynb
[ 75/182] posts/study/tutorial_hand_on.ipynb
[ 76/182] posts/study/imbalaced data/plot_comparison_under_sampling.ipynb
[ 77/182] posts/study/imbalaced data/imbalaced data.ipynb
[ 78/182] posts/study/imbalaced data/plot_comparison_over_sampling.ipynb
[ 79/182] posts/study/boostcourse/2. 데이터 분석 준비하기.ipynb
[ 80/182] posts/study/boostcourse/0. jupyter basic.ipynb
[ 81/182] posts/study/boostcourse/3. 서울 종합병원 분포 확인하기.ipynb
[ 82/182] posts/study/boostcourse/1. file-path-setting.ipynb
[ 83/182] posts/study/boostcourse/5. K-beauty.ipynb
[ 84/182] posts/study/boostcourse/4. 건강검진 데이터로 가설검정.ipynb
[ 85/182] posts/study/데이터 개념 공부.ipynb
[ 86/182] posts/study/Deep learning with pytorch/Untitled.ipynb
[ 87/182] posts/study/Deep learning with pytorch/tensor basic.ipynb
[ 88/182] posts/study/baseball-salary-prediction.ipynb
[ 89/182] posts/study/sklearn.ipynb
[ 90/182] posts/Graph Machine Learning/graph3-2.ipynb
[ 91/182] posts/Graph Machine Learning/graph4-1.ipynb
[ 92/182] posts/Graph Machine Learning/9999.ipynb
[ 93/182] posts/Graph Machine Learning/graph basic.ipynb
[ 94/182] posts/Graph Machine Learning/graph3-3.ipynb
[ 95/182] posts/Graph Machine Learning/graph8(logistic-amt+time+citypop+lat+merchlat).ipynb
[ 96/182] posts/Graph Machine Learning/graph8(logistic, amt+time).ipynb
[ 97/182] posts/Graph Machine Learning/graph8(logistic-amt+time+lat+merchlat).ipynb
[ 98/182] posts/Graph Machine Learning/graph3-1.ipynb
[ 99/182] posts/Graph Machine Learning/graph4-2.ipynb
[100/182] posts/Graph Machine Learning/graph5-1.ipynb
[101/182] posts/Graph Machine Learning/graph8(frac=0.4).ipynb
[102/182] posts/Graph Machine Learning/graph5-2.ipynb
[103/182] posts/Graph Machine Learning/graph8.ipynb
[104/182] posts/Graph Machine Learning/graph8(frac=0.3).ipynb
[105/182] posts/Graph Machine Learning/graph2.ipynb
[106/182] posts/Graph Machine Learning/graph8(logistic+graph).ipynb
[107/182] posts/Graph Machine Learning/graph8(logistic-amt+time+citypop).ipynb
[108/182] posts/Graph Machine Learning/graph8.사기거래=0필터.ipynb
[109/182] posts/Graph Machine Learning/graph8.df원본에서진행.ipynb
[110/182] posts/Machine Learning/MachineLearning_midterm(202250926).ipynb
[111/182] posts/Machine Learning/2022_11_29_13wk_2_final_checkpoint_ipynb의_사본.ipynb
[112/182] posts/Machine Learning/2. CNN/2022_10_26_(8주차)_10월26일(2)_ipynb의_사본.ipynb
[113/182] posts/Machine Learning/2. CNN/기계학습특강2022_10_19_ipynb의_사본.ipynb
[114/182] posts/Machine Learning/2022_12_21_Extra_1_ipynb의_사본.ipynb
[115/182] posts/Machine Learning/2022_09_07_(1주차)_9월7일_ipynb의_사본.ipynb
[116/182] posts/Machine Learning/3. RNN/2022_11_09_(10주차)_11월9일_ipynb의_사본.ipynb
[117/182] posts/Machine Learning/3. RNN/2022_10_31_(9주차)_10월31일_ipynb의_사본.ipynb
[118/182] posts/Machine Learning/3. RNN/2022_11_16_11wk_ipynb의_사본.ipynb
[119/182] posts/Machine Learning/3. RNN/2022_11_30_12wk_checkpoint_ipynb의_사본.ipynb
[120/182] posts/Machine Learning/3. RNN/2022_12_08_13wk_checkpoint.ipynb
[121/182] posts/Machine Learning/2022_09_14_(2주차)_9월14일_ipynb의_사본.ipynb
[122/182] posts/Machine Learning/(202250926)기계학습특강_final (2).ipynb
[123/182] posts/Machine Learning/1. DNN/2022_10_12_6wk_checkpoint.ipynb
[124/182] posts/Machine Learning/1. DNN/2022_09_28_(4주차)_9월 28일__ipynb의_사본.ipynb
[125/182] posts/Machine Learning/1. DNN/2022_09_21_(3주차)_9월21일_ipynb의_사본.ipynb
[126/182] posts/Machine Learning/1. DNN/2022_09_28_(5주차)_10월05일_ipynb의_사본.ipynb
[127/182] posts/Advanved Probability Theory/2. 확률론 기초/2023-05-09-10wk-checkpoint.ipynb
[128/182] posts/Advanved Probability Theory/2. 확률론 기초/2023-06-06-14wk.ipynb
[129/182] posts/Advanved Probability Theory/2. 확률론 기초/2023-05-16-11wk-checkpoint.ipynb
[WARNING] Citeproc: citation durrett2019probability not found
[130/182] posts/Advanved Probability Theory/2. 확률론 기초/2023-05-23-12wk.ipynb
[WARNING] Citeproc: citation cybenko1989approximation not found
[WARNING] Citeproc: citation durrett2019probability not found
[WARNING] Citeproc: citation makarov2013real not found
[131/182] posts/Advanved Probability Theory/2. 확률론 기초/2023-05-30-13wk.ipynb
[WARNING] Citeproc: citation durrett2019probability not found
[132/182] posts/Advanved Probability Theory/2. 확률론 기초/2023-05-02-9wk-checkpoint.ipynb
[133/182] posts/Advanved Probability Theory/fin.ipynb
[134/182] posts/Advanved Probability Theory/1. 측도론/2023-04-25-8wk.ipynb
[135/182] posts/Advanved Probability Theory/1. 측도론/2023-04-11-6wk-checkpoint.ipynb
[136/182] posts/Advanved Probability Theory/1. 측도론/2023_03_14_2wk_checkpoint.ipynb
[137/182] posts/Advanved Probability Theory/1. 측도론/2023_03_07_1wk_checkpoint.ipynb
[138/182] posts/Advanved Probability Theory/1. 측도론/2023_04_05_5wk_checkpoint.ipynb
[139/182] posts/Advanved Probability Theory/1. 측도론/2023_03_28_4wk_checkpoint.ipynb
[140/182] posts/Advanved Probability Theory/1. 측도론/2023-04-18-7wk-checkpoint.ipynb
[141/182] posts/Advanved Probability Theory/1. 측도론/2023_03_21_3wk_checkpoint.ipynb
[142/182] posts/Review/Synthetic data/synthetic data.ipynb
[143/182] posts/Review/Synthetic data/Practical Synthetic Data Generation.ipynb
[144/182] posts/Review/Synthetic data/A Comparison of Synthetic Data Approaches Using Utility and Disclosure Risk Measures.ipynb
[145/182] posts/Review/Synthetic data/[R] synthpop.ipynb
[146/182] posts/Review/Synthetic data/Modeling Tabular Data using Conditional GAN.ipynb
[147/182] posts/Review/Synthetic data/Advaced Deep Learning with TensorFlow 2 and Keras.ipynb
[148/182] posts/GNN/PyG/ls2.ipynb
[149/182] posts/GNN/PyG/ls6.out.ipynb
[150/182] posts/GNN/PyG/ls5.ipynb
[151/182] posts/GNN/PyG/2023-07-02-lesson1.ipynb
[152/182] posts/GNN/PyG/ls3.ipynb
[153/182] posts/GNN/PyG/ls4.ipynb
[154/182] posts/GNN/An Introduction to Graph Neural Network(GNN) For Analysing Structured Data.ipynb
[155/182] posts/GNN/GNN논문.ipynb
[156/182] posts/GNN/FRAUD/230818 데이터(4, df50_com으로 93퍼 accuracy).ipynb
[157/182] posts/GNN/FRAUD/230827 데이터(9, df50 mask만들었는데 결과값이 달라).out.ipynb
[158/182] posts/GNN/FRAUD/230822 데이터(5, matrix로 ls6시도해보기..실패).ipynb
[159/182] posts/GNN/FRAUD/230825 데이터(8, df02)커널죽음.out.ipynb
[160/182] posts/GNN/FRAUD/230814 fraud(2, tr,test_mask).ipynb
[161/182] posts/GNN/FRAUD/230823 데이터(7, df50_com으로 93퍼 accuracy)_guebin.ipynb
[162/182] posts/GNN/FRAUD/230816 fraud(3, df50_com, tr,test합치기).ipynb
[163/182] posts/GNN/FRAUD/230822 데이터(6, df02).ipynb
[164/182] posts/GNN/FRAUD/230810 fraud(1, tr로만 96퍼 accruacy).ipynb
[165/182] posts/GNN/FRAUD/230822 데이터(6, df02)-Copy1.ipynb
[166/182] posts/GNN/Neural Network.ipynb
[167/182] posts/GNN/230810 데이터정리.ipynb
[168/182] posts/GNN/0810.ipynb
[169/182] posts/GNN/Graph basic.ipynb
[170/182] posts/GNN/Laplacian.ipynb
[171/182] posts/Theoretical statistics/TS5.ipynb
[172/182] posts/Theoretical statistics/TS7.ipynb
[173/182] posts/Theoretical statistics/TS4.ipynb
[174/182] posts/Theoretical statistics/TS3.ipynb
[175/182] posts/Theoretical statistics/TS1.ipynb
[176/182] posts/Theoretical statistics/TS8.ipynb
[177/182] posts/Theoretical statistics/TS9.ipynb
[178/182] posts/Theoretical statistics/TS final.ipynb
[179/182] posts/Theoretical statistics/TS2.ipynb
[180/182] posts/Theoretical statistics/TS6.ipynb
[181/182] about.qmd
[182/182] index.qmd
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