import pandas as pd
import numpy as np
import torch
import sklearn.model_selection
from sklearn.model_selection import train_test_split
from sklearn.metrics import f1_score, roc_auc_score, recall_score, precision_score, accuracy_score
import networkx as nx
= pd.read_csv("~/Desktop/fraudTrain.csv").iloc[:,1:]
fraudTrain = fraudTrain.assign(trans_date_trans_time= list(map(lambda x: pd.to_datetime(x), fraudTrain.trans_date_trans_time)))
fraudTrain fraudTrain
trans_date_trans_time | cc_num | merchant | category | amt | first | last | gender | street | city | ... | lat | long | city_pop | job | dob | trans_num | unix_time | merch_lat | merch_long | is_fraud | |
0 | 2019-01-01 00:00:00 | 2.703190e+15 | fraud_Rippin, Kub and Mann | misc_net | 4.97 | Jennifer | Banks | F | 561 Perry Cove | Moravian Falls | ... | 36.0788 | -81.1781 | 3495 | Psychologist, counselling | 1988-03-09 | 0b242abb623afc578575680df30655b9 | 1325376018 | 36.011293 | -82.048315 | 0 |
1 | 2019-01-01 00:00:00 | 6.304230e+11 | fraud_Heller, Gutmann and Zieme | grocery_pos | 107.23 | Stephanie | Gill | F | 43039 Riley Greens Suite 393 | Orient | ... | 48.8878 | -118.2105 | 149 | Special educational needs teacher | 1978-06-21 | 1f76529f8574734946361c461b024d99 | 1325376044 | 49.159047 | -118.186462 | 0 |
2 | 2019-01-01 00:00:00 | 3.885950e+13 | fraud_Lind-Buckridge | entertainment | 220.11 | Edward | Sanchez | M | 594 White Dale Suite 530 | Malad City | ... | 42.1808 | -112.2620 | 4154 | Nature conservation officer | 1962-01-19 | a1a22d70485983eac12b5b88dad1cf95 | 1325376051 | 43.150704 | -112.154481 | 0 |
3 | 2019-01-01 00:01:00 | 3.534090e+15 | fraud_Kutch, Hermiston and Farrell | gas_transport | 45.00 | Jeremy | White | M | 9443 Cynthia Court Apt. 038 | Boulder | ... | 46.2306 | -112.1138 | 1939 | Patent attorney | 1967-01-12 | 6b849c168bdad6f867558c3793159a81 | 1325376076 | 47.034331 | -112.561071 | 0 |
4 | 2019-01-01 00:03:00 | 3.755340e+14 | fraud_Keeling-Crist | misc_pos | 41.96 | Tyler | Garcia | M | 408 Bradley Rest | Doe Hill | ... | 38.4207 | -79.4629 | 99 | Dance movement psychotherapist | 1986-03-28 | a41d7549acf90789359a9aa5346dcb46 | 1325376186 | 38.674999 | -78.632459 | 0 |
... | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... |
1048570 | 2020-03-10 16:07:00 | 6.011980e+15 | fraud_Fadel Inc | health_fitness | 77.00 | Haley | Wagner | F | 05561 Farrell Crescent | Annapolis | ... | 39.0305 | -76.5515 | 92106 | Accountant, chartered certified | 1943-05-28 | 45ecd198c65e81e597db22e8d2ef7361 | 1362931649 | 38.779464 | -76.317042 | 0 |
1048571 | 2020-03-10 16:07:00 | 4.839040e+15 | fraud_Cremin, Hamill and Reichel | misc_pos | 116.94 | Meredith | Campbell | F | 043 Hanson Turnpike | Hedrick | ... | 41.1826 | -92.3097 | 1583 | Geochemist | 1999-06-28 | c00ce51c6ebb7657474a77b9e0b51f34 | 1362931670 | 41.400318 | -92.726724 | 0 |
1048572 | 2020-03-10 16:08:00 | 5.718440e+11 | fraud_O'Connell, Botsford and Hand | home | 21.27 | Susan | Mills | F | 005 Cody Estates | Louisville | ... | 38.2507 | -85.7476 | 736284 | Engineering geologist | 1952-04-02 | 17c9dc8b2a6449ca2473726346e58e6c | 1362931711 | 37.293339 | -84.798122 | 0 |
1048573 | 2020-03-10 16:08:00 | 4.646850e+18 | fraud_Thompson-Gleason | health_fitness | 9.52 | Julia | Bell | F | 576 House Crossroad | West Sayville | ... | 40.7320 | -73.1000 | 4056 | Film/video editor | 1990-06-25 | 5ca650881b48a6a38754f841c23b77ab | 1362931718 | 39.773077 | -72.213209 | 0 |
1048574 | 2020-03-10 16:08:00 | 2.283740e+15 | fraud_Buckridge PLC | misc_pos | 6.81 | Shannon | Williams | F | 9345 Spencer Junctions Suite 183 | Alpharetta | ... | 34.0770 | -84.3033 | 165556 | Prison officer | 1997-12-27 | 8d0a575fe635bbde12f1a2bffc126731 | 1362931730 | 33.601468 | -83.891921 | 0 |
1048575 rows × 22 columns
함수 만들기
Class Metting0115: def throw(df, fraud_rate): # 사기 거래 비율에 맞춰 버려지는 함수!
= df[df['is_fraud'] == 1].copy()
df1 = df[df['is_fraud'] == 0].copy()
df0 = (len(df1) * (1-fraud_rate)) / (len(df0) * fraud_rate)
df0_downsample = df0.sample(frac=df0_downsample, random_state=42)
df0_down = pd.concat([df1, df0_down])
df_p return df_p
def split_dataframe(data_frame, test_fraud_rate, test_rate=0.3):
= len(data_frame)
# 사기 거래와 정상 거래를 분리
= data_frame[data_frame['is_fraud'] == 1]
fraud_data = data_frame[data_frame['is_fraud'] == 0]
# 테스트 데이터 크기 계산
= int(test_fraud_rate * (n * test_rate))
test_samples = int(n * test_rate) - test_samples
# 사기 거래 및 정상 거래에서 무작위로 테스트 데이터 추출
= fraud_data.sample(n=test_samples, replace=False)
test_fraud_data = normal_data.sample(n=remaining_test_samples, replace=False)
# 테스트 데이터 합치기
= pd.concat([test_normal_data, test_fraud_data])
# 훈련 데이터 생성
= data_frame[~data_frame.index.isin(test_data.index)]
return train_data, test_data
def concat(df_tr, df_tst):
= pd.concat([df_tr, df_tst])
df = np.concatenate((np.full(len(df_tr), True), np.full(len(df_tst), False))) # index꼬이는거 방지하기 위해서? ★ (이거,, 훔,,?(
train_mask = np.concatenate((np.full(len(df_tr), False), np.full(len(df_tst), True)))
test_mask = (train_mask, test_mask)
mask return df, mask
def evaluation(y, yhat):
= [sklearn.metrics.accuracy_score,
sklearn.metrics.roc_auc_score]return pd.DataFrame({m.__name__:[m(y,yhat).round(6)] for m in metrics})
def generate_w(self): ★★ ...
def bipartite(df, node_1, node_2, graph_type=nx.Graph()):
df={x:node_id for node_id, x in enumerate(set(df[node_1].values.tolist()+\
"from"]=df[node_1].apply(lambda x:mapping[x]) #엣지의 출발점
df["to"]=df[node_2].apply(lambda x:mapping[x]) #엣지의 도착점
= df[['from', 'to', "amt", "is_fraud"]].groupby(['from','to']).agg({"is_fraud":"sum","amt":"sum"}).reset_index()
df "is_fraud"]=df["is_fraud"].apply(lambda x:1 if x>0 else 0)
=nx.from_edgelist(df[["from","to"]].values, create_using=graph_type)
int(x["from"]),int(x["to"])):x["is_fraud"] for idx, x in df[["from","to","is_fraud"]].iterrows()}, "label")
nx.set_edge_attributes(G,{(int(x["from"]),int(x["to"])):x["amt"] for idx,x in df[["from","to","amt"]].iterrows()}, "weight")
return G
def tripartite(df, node_1, node_2, graph_type=nx.Graph()):
df={x:node_id for node_id, x in enumerate(set(df.index.values.tolist() +
df[node_2].values.tolist()))}"in_node"]= df[node_1].apply(lambda x: mapping[x])
df["out_node"]=df[node_2].apply(lambda x:mapping[x])
=nx.from_edgelist([(x["in_node"], mapping[idx]) for idx, x in df.iterrows()] +\
G"out_node"], mapping[idx]) for idx, x in df.iterrows()], create_using=graph_type)
"in_node"], mapping[idx]):x["is_fraud"] for idx, x in df.iterrows()}, "label")
nx.set_edge_attributes(G,{(x["out_node"], mapping[idx]):x["is_fraud"] for idx, x in df.iterrows()}, "label")
nx.set_edge_attributes(G,{(x["in_node"], mapping[idx]):x["amt"] for idx, x in df.iterrows()}, "weight")
nx.set_edge_attributes(G,{(x["out_node"], mapping[idx]):x["amt"] for idx, x in df.iterrows()}, "weight")
return G
def throw(df, fraud_rate): # 사기 거래 비율에 맞춰 버려지는 함수!
= df[df['is_fraud'] == 1].copy()
df1 = df[df['is_fraud'] == 0].copy()
df0 = (len(df1) * (1-fraud_rate)) / (len(df0) * fraud_rate)
df0_downsample = df0.sample(frac=df0_downsample, random_state=42)
df0_down = pd.concat([df1, df0_down])
df_p return df_p
= throw(fraudTrain, 0.5) df
trans_date_trans_time | cc_num | merchant | category | amt | first | last | gender | street | city | ... | lat | long | city_pop | job | dob | trans_num | unix_time | merch_lat | merch_long | is_fraud | |
2449 | 2019-01-02 01:06:00 | 4.613310e+12 | fraud_Rutherford-Mertz | grocery_pos | 281.06 | Jason | Murphy | M | 542 Steve Curve Suite 011 | Collettsville | ... | 35.9946 | -81.7266 | 885 | Soil scientist | 1988-09-15 | e8a81877ae9a0a7f883e15cb39dc4022 | 1325466397 | 36.430124 | -81.179483 | 1 |
2472 | 2019-01-02 01:47:00 | 3.401870e+14 | fraud_Jenkins, Hauck and Friesen | gas_transport | 11.52 | Misty | Hart | F | 27954 Hall Mill Suite 575 | San Antonio | ... | 29.4400 | -98.4590 | 1595797 | Horticultural consultant | 1960-10-28 | bc7d41c41103877b03232f03f1f8d3f5 | 1325468849 | 29.819364 | -99.142791 | 1 |
2523 | 2019-01-02 03:05:00 | 3.401870e+14 | fraud_Goodwin-Nitzsche | grocery_pos | 276.31 | Misty | Hart | F | 27954 Hall Mill Suite 575 | San Antonio | ... | 29.4400 | -98.4590 | 1595797 | Horticultural consultant | 1960-10-28 | b98f12f4168391b2203238813df5aa8c | 1325473523 | 29.273085 | -98.836360 | 1 |
2546 | 2019-01-02 03:38:00 | 4.613310e+12 | fraud_Erdman-Kertzmann | gas_transport | 7.03 | Jason | Murphy | M | 542 Steve Curve Suite 011 | Collettsville | ... | 35.9946 | -81.7266 | 885 | Soil scientist | 1988-09-15 | 397894a5c4c02e3c61c784001f0f14e4 | 1325475483 | 35.909292 | -82.091010 | 1 |
2553 | 2019-01-02 03:55:00 | 3.401870e+14 | fraud_Koepp-Parker | grocery_pos | 275.73 | Misty | Hart | F | 27954 Hall Mill Suite 575 | San Antonio | ... | 29.4400 | -98.4590 | 1595797 | Horticultural consultant | 1960-10-28 | 7863235a750d73a244c07f1fb7f0185a | 1325476547 | 29.786426 | -98.683410 | 1 |
... | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... |
490138 | 2019-08-02 14:26:00 | 2.242540e+15 | fraud_Kerluke-Abshire | shopping_net | 226.12 | Samuel | Jenkins | M | 43235 Mckenzie Views Apt. 837 | Westport | ... | 38.4921 | -85.4524 | 564 | Pensions consultant | 1996-04-10 | 7f7585873fbe12b0aab9dc95ba3cecab | 1343917615 | 37.706700 | -85.806080 | 0 |
658275 | 2019-10-07 07:50:00 | 2.131640e+14 | fraud_Erdman-Kertzmann | gas_transport | 71.13 | Mark | Tyler | M | 82201 Bradley Radial Suite 703 | Avera | ... | 33.1410 | -82.5150 | 741 | Claims inspector/assessor | 1986-04-28 | 305f6d8297b81a36f7e57e10c1036451 | 1349596244 | 33.359566 | -82.730195 | 0 |
767052 | 2019-11-24 15:38:00 | 4.464460e+12 | fraud_Ritchie, Oberbrunner and Cremin | travel | 2.00 | Breanna | Rodriguez | F | 118 Cabrera Springs Apt. 105 | Lanark Village | ... | 29.8826 | -84.5964 | 217 | Television production assistant | 1990-01-24 | 3fcaef8c9a2e3654b51eb0b0b84ff424 | 1353771522 | 29.239729 | -84.247963 | 0 |
234186 | 2019-04-28 06:15:00 | 5.020130e+11 | fraud_Kassulke PLC | shopping_net | 202.12 | Sherry | Martinez | F | 144 Yu Locks Apt. 754 | Garrattsville | ... | 42.6315 | -75.1866 | 165 | Naval architect | 1945-09-20 | dc14c572855f13df2e55e6e844b2dd89 | 1335593704 | 43.461382 | -75.910293 | 0 |
340364 | 2019-06-09 21:16:00 | 2.297450e+15 | fraud_Medhurst Inc | home | 16.46 | Laura | Walker | F | 611 Michael Rue | Cisco | ... | 39.9972 | -88.6962 | 478 | Landscape architect | 1960-01-13 | e53dd35b00303fb8bb022f2f015b55ec | 1339276596 | 39.827886 | -88.134687 | 0 |
12012 rows × 22 columns
def split_dataframe(data_frame, test_fraud_rate, test_rate=0.3):
= len(data_frame)
# 사기 거래와 정상 거래를 분리
= data_frame[data_frame['is_fraud'] == 1]
fraud_data = data_frame[data_frame['is_fraud'] == 0]
# 테스트 데이터 크기 계산
= int(test_fraud_rate * (n * test_rate))
test_samples = int(n * test_rate) - test_samples
# 사기 거래 및 정상 거래에서 무작위로 테스트 데이터 추출
= fraud_data.sample(n=test_samples, replace=False)
test_fraud_data = normal_data.sample(n=remaining_test_samples, replace=False)
# 테스트 데이터 합치기
= pd.concat([test_normal_data, test_fraud_data])
# 훈련 데이터 생성
= data_frame[~data_frame.index.isin(test_data.index)]
return train_data, test_data
= split_dataframe(df, 0.3) df_tr, df_ts
df_tr.is_fraud.mean(), df_ts.is_fraud.mean()
(0.5856820073730526, 0.3000277546489037)
len(df_tr)/len(df), len(df_ts)/len(df)
(0.7000499500499501, 0.2999500499500499)
df_tr.shape, df_ts.shape
((8409, 22), (3603, 22))
def concat(df_tr, df_tst):
= pd.concat([df_tr, df_tst])
df = np.concatenate((np.full(len(df_tr), True), np.full(len(df_tst), False))) # index꼬이는거 방지하기 위해서?
train_mask = np.concatenate((np.full(len(df_tr), False), np.full(len(df_tst), True)))
test_mask = (train_mask, test_mask)
mask return df, mask
= concat(df_tr, df_ts) df, mask
(array([ True, True, True, ..., False, False, False]),
array([False, False, False, ..., True, True, True]))
1].sum() mask[
def evaluation(y, yhat):
= [sklearn.metrics.accuracy_score,
sklearn.metrics.roc_auc_score]return pd.DataFrame({m.__name__:[m(y,yhat).round(6)] for m in metrics})
= [1, 0, 1, 1, 0, 1, 0, 0]
y = [1, 0, 1, 0, 1, 1, 0, 1] yhat
accuracy_score | precision_score | recall_score | f1_score | roc_auc_score | |
0 | 0.625 | 0.6 | 0.75 | 0.666667 | 0.625 |
def generate_w(df, r, time):
return W
- 입력: df, unique_col, theta, gamma —> 출력: edge_index_select
def compute_time_difference(group):
= len(group)
n = []
result for i in range(n):
for j in range(n):
= abs(group.iloc[i].trans_date_trans_time.value - group.iloc[j].trans_date_trans_time.value)
result.append([group.iloc[i].name, group.iloc[j].name, time_difference])return result
def edge_index(df, unique_col, theta, gamma, hms='s'):
= df.groupby(unique_col)
groups = np.array([item for sublist in (compute_time_difference(group) for _, group in groups) for item in sublist])
edge_index = edge_index.astype(np.float64)
edge_index #filename = f"edge_index{str(unique_col).replace(' ', '').replace('_', '')}.npy" # 저장, edge_index)
#tetha = edge_index_plust_itme[:,].mean()
# compute_time_difference로 계산한 시간 차이의 value값은 total_seconds()에 10**9가 곱해져 있음
# if hms == 's':
# hms = 1e9
# elif hms == 'm':
# hms = 1e9 * 60
# elif hms == 'h':
# hms = 1e9 * 3600
2] = (np.exp(-edge_index[:,2]/theta) != 1)*(np.exp(-edge_index[:,2]/theta)).tolist()
edge_index[:,= torch.tensor([(int(row[0]), int(row[1])) for row in edge_index if row[2] > gamma], dtype=torch.long).t()
edge_index return edge_index
= edge_index(df, 'cc_num', 7902291948085730, 0.5) a
tensor([[102490, 102490, 102490, ..., 713531, 713531, 713531],
[102556, 106627, 106751, ..., 668302, 714377, 713269]])
torch.Size([2, 94602])
array([[ 102490, 102490, 0],
[ 102490, 102556, 4200000000000],
[ 102490, 106627, 160680000000000],
[ 713531, 714377, 44100000000000],
[ 713531, 713269, 12840000000000],
[ 713531, 713531, 0]])
= 1e9 hms
def compute_time_difference2(group):
= len(group)
n = []
result for i in range(n):
for j in range(n):
= abs((group.iloc[i].trans_date_trans_time - group.iloc[j].trans_date_trans_time).total_seconds())
result.append([group.iloc[i].name, group.iloc[j].name, time_difference])return result
def edge_index2(df, unique_col, theta, gamma, hms='s'):
= df.groupby(unique_col)
groups = np.array([item for sublist in (compute_time_difference2(group) for _, group in groups) for item in sublist])
edge_index = edge_index.astype(np.float64)
edge_index #filename = f"edge_index{str(unique_col).replace(' ', '').replace('_', '')}.npy" # 저장, edge_index)
#tetha = edge_index_plust_itme[:,].mean()
2] = (np.exp(-edge_index[:,2]/(theta)) != 1)*(np.exp(-edge_index[:,2]/(theta))).tolist()
edge_index[:,= torch.tensor([(int(row[0]), int(row[1])) for row in edge_index if row[2] > gamma], dtype=torch.long).t()
edge_index return edge_index
theta의 값과 gamma의 값을 어떻게 지정해줘야할지 애매한 것 같다. theta의 값은 초를 기준으로 되어있는데 theta의 값을 지정해줄때 a < theta < b 어떤게 나을까? 이게 어려운듯 gamma가 일단 0~1 사이면 좋겠는데, 이건 theta가 어떻게 나눠지는지에 따라 달라지는 느낌이다
'cc_num', 360000, 0.5) edge_index2(df,
tensor([[102490, 102490, 102490, ..., 713531, 713531, 713531],
[102556, 106627, 106751, ..., 715096, 714377, 713269]])
= df.groupby('cc_num')
groups = np.array([item for sublist in (compute_time_difference2(group) for _, group in groups) for item in sublist]) edge_index23
array([[102490., 102490., 0.],
[102490., 102556., 4200.],
[102490., 106627., 160680.],
[713531., 714377., 44100.],
[713531., 713269., 12840.],
[713531., 713531., 0.]])
2].mean(),edge_index23[:,2].min(),edge_index23[:,2].max() edge_index23[:,
(7902291.9480857365, 0.0, 37504440.0)
2]).describe() pd.Series(edge_index23[:,
count 1.998680e+05
mean 7.902292e+06
std 9.031054e+06
min 0.000000e+00
25% 8.028000e+04
50% 4.420650e+06
75% 1.398522e+07
max 3.750444e+07
dtype: float64
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
2], bins=50) plt.hist(edge_index23[:,
(array([7.5852e+04, 5.1860e+03, 5.0100e+03, 4.6740e+03, 4.9040e+03,
4.7600e+03, 4.9400e+03, 4.6240e+03, 4.3700e+03, 3.9460e+03,
4.1920e+03, 3.8920e+03, 4.0500e+03, 3.6260e+03, 3.8000e+03,
3.4080e+03, 3.6720e+03, 2.9040e+03, 3.1040e+03, 3.5940e+03,
3.0760e+03, 3.0220e+03, 2.6960e+03, 3.2780e+03, 2.8220e+03,
2.6280e+03, 2.3980e+03, 1.8960e+03, 2.4660e+03, 2.0780e+03,
1.9700e+03, 1.8020e+03, 1.7960e+03, 1.4880e+03, 1.8780e+03,
1.6200e+03, 1.3940e+03, 1.2180e+03, 1.1420e+03, 7.9000e+02,
9.3400e+02, 6.6200e+02, 5.0200e+02, 4.6200e+02, 3.9600e+02,
3.8800e+02, 2.4200e+02, 1.7400e+02, 1.1600e+02, 2.6000e+01]),
array([ 0. , 750088.8 , 1500177.6 ,
2250266.4 , 3000355.2 , 3750444. ,
4500532.8 , 5250621.6 , 6000710.4 ,
6750799.2 , 7500888. , 8250976.8 ,
9001065.6 , 9751154.4 , 10501243.2 ,
11251332. , 12001420.8 , 12751509.6 ,
13501598.4 , 14251687.2 , 15001776. ,
15751864.8 , 16501953.6 , 17252042.4 ,
18002131.2 , 18752220. , 19502308.8 ,
20252397.6 , 21002486.4 , 21752575.2 ,
22502664. , 23252752.8 , 24002841.6 ,
24752930.4 , 25503019.2 , 26253108. ,
27003196.8 , 27753285.6 , 28503374.4 ,
29253463.2 , 30003552. , 30753640.8 ,
31503729.6 , 32253818.4 , 33003907.2 ,
33753996. , 34504084.8 , 35254173.6 ,
36004262.40000001, 36754351.2 , 37504440. ]),
<BarContainer object of 50 artists>)
<< 이렇게 몰려있는데.. 1e7이라서 흠… tehta=뭘로 주는게 올바른? 적절한 건지 잘 모르겠음..
def bipartite(df, node_1, node_2, graph_type=nx.Graph()):
df={x:node_id for node_id, x in enumerate(set(df[node_1].values.tolist()+\
"from"]=df[node_1].apply(lambda x:mapping[x]) #엣지의 출발점
df["to"]=df[node_2].apply(lambda x:mapping[x]) #엣지의 도착점
= df[['from', 'to', "amt", "is_fraud"]].groupby(['from','to']).agg({"is_fraud":"sum","amt":"sum"}).reset_index()
df "is_fraud"]=df["is_fraud"].apply(lambda x:1 if x>0 else 0)
=nx.from_edgelist(df[["from","to"]].values, create_using=graph_type)
int(x["from"]),int(x["to"])):x["is_fraud"] for idx, x in df[["from","to","is_fraud"]].iterrows()}, "label")
nx.set_edge_attributes(G,{(int(x["from"]),int(x["to"])):x["amt"] for idx,x in df[["from","to","amt"]].iterrows()}, "weight")
return G
= bipartite(df, node_1 = 'cc_num', node_2 = 'merchant') G
def tripartite(df, node_1, node_2, graph_type=nx.Graph()):
df={x:node_id for node_id, x in enumerate(set(df.index.values.tolist() +
df[node_2].values.tolist()))}"in_node"]= df[node_1].apply(lambda x: mapping[x])
df["out_node"]=df[node_2].apply(lambda x:mapping[x])
=nx.from_edgelist([(x["in_node"], mapping[idx]) for idx, x in df.iterrows()] +\
G"out_node"], mapping[idx]) for idx, x in df.iterrows()], create_using=graph_type)
"in_node"], mapping[idx]):x["is_fraud"] for idx, x in df.iterrows()}, "label")
nx.set_edge_attributes(G,{(x["out_node"], mapping[idx]):x["is_fraud"] for idx, x in df.iterrows()}, "label")
nx.set_edge_attributes(G,{(x["in_node"], mapping[idx]):x["amt"] for idx, x in df.iterrows()}, "weight")
nx.set_edge_attributes(G,{(x["out_node"], mapping[idx]):x["amt"] for idx, x in df.iterrows()}, "weight")
return G
= tripartite(df, 'cc_num', 'merchant') G
불균형 데이터 tr/ts 1. 오토글루온 2. pyod 3. tripartite + auto 4. proposed(gnn)
4 > 3 > 2 > 1 이 되어야한당..
학회 균형데이터 tr/s 1. 오토글루온 2. bibpartite(이상쓰…) 3. proposed
def G_split(G, test_size):
= train_test_split(list(range(len(G.edges))),
train_edges, test_edges, train_labels, test_labels list(nx.get_edge_attributes(G, "label").values()),
random_state= list(G.edges)
= G.edge_subgraph([edgs[x] for x in train_edges]).copy()
train_graph list(set(G.nodes) - set(train_graph.nodes)))
train_graph.add_nodes_from(= G.edge_subgraph([edgs[x] for x in test_edges]).copy()
test_graph list(set(G.nodes) - set(test_graph.nodes)))
return train_graph, test_graph
= G_split(G, test_size=0.2) train_graph, test_graph
from node2vec import Node2Vec
from node2vec.edges import HadamardEmbedder, AverageEmbedder, WeightedL1Embedder, WeightedL2Embedder
= Node2Vec(G_split(G,0.2), weight_key='weight')
node2vec_train = model_train
Generating walks (CPU: 1): 100%|██████████| 10/10 [00:03<00:00, 2.53it/s]